Joy! (Bryan and Jen)

Tim’s Notes

Joy is a third of the kingdom from Romans 14. The kingdom is advancing and we are on offense, not defense. We face forward and upward not backward and downward. And joy is a choice. Many things in the kingdom are choices, not things we passively experience but that we actively lay hold of.

Agree with what heaven says. Not what we think and not what others have told us.

“I am significant. I have great value. The Earth is a better place because I’m in it.”

Declarations matter because the power of life and death is in the tongue.

Joy demands repetition because it takes repetition to form our minds well. Thoughts and feelings determine your day. We can choose to set our minds on God’s truth. Doing that with our minds then creates new feelings.

Your worst day doesn’t define you. Your created value and destiny does.

The devil has been disarmed and defeated so he has no arms or legs and if he’d be in your pool his name would be Bob. He only has the authority we give him by our agreement. Declarations matter.

We always see through lenses. We can become aware of our lenses so that we can begin to distrust the human opinions that raise themselves up against the knowledge of Christ in our thinking.

The circumstance does NOT have power over my ?.

Let the Lord confront the lies that rob joy. And make the truth the repeated declaration over and over. Maybe even write a declaration that is confessed. Chosen. Agreed with. We are not victims. We are overcomers.

We need to carefully set ourselves to seek the joy that HE sets before us. We need clarity about our purpose so that the joy of walking it out with Jesus is something we choose explicitly.